Monday, April 14, 2014

Kelly Turnipseed Blog 5 Option 1

One of my favorite movies of all time is “Confessions of a Shopaholic,” and not only because I can relate! I have watched this movie a million times, and never really thought too deeply about the roles of the women in comparison to the roles of the men. The main character is Rebecca Bloomwood who is played by Isla Fisher. She is the shopaholic mentioned in the title and her obsession with spending money on designer clothes and accessories is out of control. Her BFF is Suze, who is played by Krysten Ritter. The movie does pass the test because there are at least two women, who talk to each other, about something besides a man. A majority of what they talk about is about shopping, but a lot of it is about Rebecca’s new boss, Luke, who she falls for. Rebecca goes crazy with spending, running from/lying to the debt collector, and even fibbing her way through obstacles. Clearly, Rebecca is pinned as the insane shopaholic girl who can’t control her life. In the end, she does sell her clothes and pay off the debt, but a lot of the motivation for that was from Luke. I never thought about the movie in the light of Luke being the hero instead of Rebecca. Watching the movie paying attention to these details it seemed like Rebecca was a crazy person who got her life in order thanks to the highly successful, good-looking boss. The outcome of the test did not surprise me just because the movie is about a girl who loves shopping, so clearly the focus wouldn’t be on a guy. At the beginning of the movie, Rebecca says, “You know that thing when you see someone cute and he smiles and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sliding down hot toast? Well that's what it's like when I see a store. Only it's better.” Keeping that in mind, a lot of the movie does focus on the growing relationship of Luke and Rebecca, and how he changed her life for the better.

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