While I was
sitting at my desk deciding what movie I wanted to watch for this next blog,
“Sex and The City” was on TV and I knew in that moment just what movie I was
going to talk about. Any girl who has watched this show has some how felt
empowered by the words of Carrie Bradshaw. She makes you feel like you don’t
need any man in your life to be happy as long as you have a good group of girl
friends. You go through these stages where all you want is for Carrie and Big
to end up together then you change your mind and you agree with Carrie on
wanting to be a strong independent woman. However, when the first “Sex and The
City” movie came out we ALL hated Big, we couldn’t believe that he would stand
her up at the alter. So we wanted Carrie to become that strong independent woman
we have all seen her be during the show. We wanted her to get over Big and just
be happy. In the end, (spoiler alert) she just couldn’t fight her love for this
man so they did end up getting married.
When I was reading
the question for the next blog I started to question if Carrie was as strong
and independent as I thought in pervious episodes/movie. Was she able to not
talk about boys or sex? The movie definitely does not pass the Bechdel Test.
These four women for the first 30+ minutes are talking all about boys and sex
and some fashion. I think maybe in the middle of the movie you see a little
break in the discussion of men. However, this movie does pass the needing of
two leading female roles. This movie has four. They all have their stories,
personalities, and beliefs that you end up feeling as if you are in the group
with them. So you feel empowered when they feel empowered, when they feel sad
you feel sad. I also want to point out that maybe the show passes the test
better, there are some episodes where they talk about fashion more than boys or
babies more than boys but the majority of the time its all about boys.
The hard thing
about this movie/show is that it is suppose to be like real life and let’s be
honest do we as women ever sit together and not bring up boys at some point of
the conversation? So maybe they are showing us something by only talking about
men and sex. They are showing us what we tend to discuss and we may not like it
but we do that in real life. That’s why we relate so much to each of these
characters. We go through stages of feeling empowered just like Carrie does
when she dyes her hair dark brown after the break up but then we go through
these stages where we will jump into the love of our life’s arms as he proposes
to us with your soon to be wedding shoe, almost the perfect Cinderella and
Prince Charming moment except Carrie’s just happened to be in a closet. So
maybe the real question we should be asking is what if it’s our fault as women
for the limited amount of movies that have a strong female role that doesn’t
talk about men? Because we as females just happen to talk about men. Granted I
don’t think that it’s our entire fault and I think that the industry needs some
adjusting to do, but maybe we should all have a Bechdel Test on our own lives
and reflect and see if we even pass the test. Lets all bring out our inner
independent Carrie Bradshaw the one we love and admire in both the movie and
the show.
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