The Lottery
1. Happy (Pharrell)- I feel that this song is relevant to The Lottery because of all the people at
the beginning who are just happy and are not upset at all at even though they know
what is about to occur. It deserves to be on the list because it reminds us
that at the beginning of the story they are happy people although at the end we
would completely forget that they were at one point happy. This emotion only
matches the beginning of the story, I do not think it would be used in a scene
because it would probably take away from the intensity at the end.
2. If Tomorrow Never Comes (Garth Brooks)- I feel that this
song is relevant to The Lottery
because it represents the day before the lottery happens, it deserves to be on
the list because it is a dread and thought of everyone in the town. I think
that if it were played in an added scene that had a brief view of people going
to sleep the night before the lottery it would be very powerful.
3. How To Save a Life (The Fray)- I feel that this song is
relevant to The Lottery because it
shows the struggle and debate of whether or not the lottery should be
occurring. It deserves to be on the list to make you think of all the ways you
could save a life rather than participate in the lottery. If I were to place
it, it would be while Tessie is saying “it isn’t fair, it isn’t fair” because
that would be the most obvious scene of who’s life is in jeapordy.
4. Underneath (Adam Lambert)- I feel that this song is
relevant to The Lottery because it is
an extremely sad song and this story is extremely sad. One lyric is “Welcome to my world of truth, I don't
wanna hide any part of me from you” which I feel represents this story because
they do not hide anything this is their world and they don’t hide it from
anyone. If it were played anywhere I think played at the end would make it most
sad because it would represent Tessie’s truth and the place she lived, which
ultimately led to her death.
5. The World Keeps Turning (Trevor Hall)- I feel that this
song is relevant to The Lottery
because at the end after they have killed Tessie, the world just continues
turning and nobody stops really to mourn, they all just walk away. It reminds
me of the general thought that this act of stoning people is okay and after
they just forget about it and move on, it would definitely make the end scene
more sad when they all walk away after killing Tessie.
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